Sunday, January 27, 2008


I'm struggling a bit today, and I just about decided not to worry about calories the rest of today, but this is me getting back in control. The main thing that is bothering me that I can do something about is that I'm really tired. Often that is the worst time for me. Instead of resting and going to bed early like I need to do,I want to wait up for Don, who has to work tonight, because he traded shifts with someone so that he can be off next Saturday and go to Alexandria with me. I am going to do my exercise video, work on my Beth Moore study and maybe paint a little before I go to bed early.

We went to a matinee of Juno this afternoon, and it really bugged me. Yes, the writing was witty and the characters were quirky, but I kept looking for the grown ups in the movie! I'm thinking that as long as everyone is perceived as being "real", "honest" and "genuine" in our culture today, it really doesn't matter whether or not they are moral, responsible or even intelligent. Every time we see a movie, I think we need to stop wasting our time and money on movies. Maybe we are just getting too old to relate to the "hip" generation....if we ever did in the first place. What we wanted to see was Untraceable, but we picked an off time. I wish we would have come home and spent time together here, and so did Don. The sermons on giving have been bothering me a little, too. I'm not sure why, because we are giving everything we can give right now, and we're faithful about it. I think it's because I don't know whether we should ever spend anything on ourselves--like movies.
All of the scriptures about taking care of the poor bother me, even though Don and I sacrifice to help others when we see a need. I know we have more than we need, so should we sell all that we don't need and give the money to the poor? I've noticed that most Christian people I know have pretty nice homes. Should we have nice homes? All we really need is a roof over our heads and clothes to wear. Those scriptures bothered me even when we didn't own a home and lived on the AF base....
The Christians in the first century gave up everything for the cause of Christ, and the church grew by leaps and bounds. Even the widow gave up her "mite". Are we Americans going to have to join the herds of camels trying to go through the eye of a needle? These are some of the things that bother me.....but it doesn't make any sense to eat over them, does it? :) So, I'm going to go down in my nice living room and use my exercise DVD....I wonder if people in the DR have to exercise. I imagine survival is exercise enough.

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