Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Day Among Days--in a Good Way

Well, today was one of the best days I've had so far this year! Little Man and I had so much fun together! He has been so much fun lately anyway-- with his little toothless sideways grin.....and he's laughing ALL of the time now. I have to say that taking care of him is really deja vu back to Christopher, who also had that little sideways toothless grin! Conner sat with me while I did my Bible study this morning, which I did out loud part of the time, because he thought I was talking to him! He really thought that Matthew 4 and 5 were funny! :) Then, I bathed him and fed him, fed me and we went for a 4 mile walk out in the beautiful sunshine. We went to the bank and Starbucks where I fed him a bottle and me a iced venti Americano (zero calories except for skim milk that I put in....) (Did I mention that hubby got me a Starbucks card for my stocking...oops I mean Santa.) Then it was time to take Little Man home, and he sang along with 89.1 all of the way home. Chris called while I was driving, and Conner thought I was talking to him, so he started "talking" really loudly. (Did I mention that we have a very LOUD family?)
Anyway, after I dropped Conner off, I came home and made dinner for Don and me--seriously, I think our food bill is going to shrink considerably when it's just Don and me at home. I made a meal out of three chicken thighs, one baked potato, which we split and some peas. (We're both trying to lose weight--I'm not being stingy.)

My Bible study today was from Matt. 4 and 5--Jesus' fast and subsequent temptation by the devil and then on into the sermon on the Mount, because I think "the blesseds" are important whenever I'm trying to make a change in my life. Change almost always brings both encouragement and criticism from those closest to us, so it's good to remember that we shouldn't be discouraged about things people say to us. I try to remember how hard it's been for me when someone close to me makes a lifestyle change, and then I don't get discouraged when I meet resistance. Luckily for me, Don is enthusiastic and encouraging--the boys are kind of sort of interested but not really--they've seen me go through similar but not the same committments before. Grace was really encouraging yesterday, and so was Jaime and my cousin. I like it when, although I've been through the motions of trying to change something and failed, people still believe me and encourage me when I try again. Don has always been that person for me--I can't understand how, after 32 plus years of watching me lose and gain weight, that he still believes me that I will do it this time...and that I will become a published writer! That is really love, and he makes me realize how valuable it is that Christ does that for us ad infinitim! (I think that means forever!) And, just like Christ, even when I mess up, Don still believes in me, and loves me. I think Don is one of the reasons I haven't given up on myself...he just keeps believing that God and I will do whatever we want to do together! I hope I do that for him...he deserves that from me!

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