Saturday, March 01, 2008

A Fun Day

Today was my second day following the Spark People plan, and I didn't find it hard at all! And another good thing was my blood sugar reading was excellent tonight--lower than it has been in a very long time.

Art class was lots of fun, and it seems like this class has passed more quickly than the last one. My last class is next week. After that I think I am going to take a figure painting class with my same teacher. She suggested that I take that class. I still am not sure about it, because it cuts into my time with Don in the afternoon, but if he gets his job, then he will be off all day on Saturday anyway.

A surprising thing was that there was a St.Patrick's Day parade in Old Town Alexandria today, so I had a lot of company walking today. I hope there are muscles that get a good work out when dodging people. I got an excellent book on diabetes and an Eric Carle book to read to Conner. The diabetes book I heard about on my way to art class this morning on 91.9 radio, a show called Break Away that I listen to every week. Today they were talking about a book called The Diabetes Miracle Cure...Curing Diabetes in 30 Days. It's about the best possible diet and exercise for diabetes. Speaking of that I need to get to bed. We are taking Conner to church with us tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you are enjoying our book, "The 30-day Diabetes Miracle" Be sure to visit the website and the forums at


Sid Lloyd
President & CEO
Lifestyle Center of America

Jerri said...

That's really funny that you found my blog! I will check out your forums and the website. Thank you for writing to me. I can't wait to read the book and incorporate changes into my daily life.