Sunday, March 09, 2008

Our dear brother.....

I can't write about anything but our dear friend and brother Bob, his beautiful, sweet wife Tresa and their five adorable children. I just found out, as many people did, in church this morning that Bob is in hospice care right now. I know Bob and Tresa are trusting God. I know that without anyone telling me, and I don't get to talk to them that often. It's just always been obvious to me by the life they live among us. They are quiet servants, giants in faith. I do not understand many many things in life, and I don't understand what is happening to Bob--maybe biologically--but not in any other way. I just know this. Bob and Tresa have always trusted God with their lives, and they are trusting Him now. How can we do otherwise in the face of such faith and in light of what God has already done, I cannot comprehend.

How do we pray for Bob? I think we pray as we always have for him--that God will be glorified and that He will comfort Bob and Tresa and the children (their family, too). We pray and we serve as much as we can, if not the Roths right now, we serve anyone who is in our lives. How do we talk about such suffering and maybe tragedy?
With hope, like the Bible says, knowing that a better life in Heaven awaits us all.

Loss is the part of this life that makes us long for Heaven. While we are here, let's remind each other that our hope is in Jesus Christ. That is what Bob and Tresa have been doing all along! Having said all of that....I still don't understand.

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