Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cooking and Conner

Today I cooked all day getting ready for a get together at our friends Grace and Roland's house. I love going to their house, because it is so warm and friendly, relaxed and cozy. I love getting together with them and the Kerns who were in our original small group. Now we only meet once in a while, but whenever we do, it's great. Tonight we brought Conner with us, because we had agreed to watch him this evening for Chris and Cameron while they went over to friends' house. We all passed him around. He loved it. Now it's Spring break, so I won't see them until next Sunday for Easter. That's weird. I'm used to seeing them most days.

I'm going to turn my house upside down, then turn it inside out and then back rightsid in and upside right....and then baby proof it and paint it--all in one week.

The only exercise I got today was cooking and carrying Conner around. I need to do more tomorrow...I missed two days of exercise. I ate well though.

Still praying for Bob and Tresa and their kids. Bob's port came loose, so they had to take him to the doctor yesterday. That's the last thing I heard.

Have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow.

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