Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Learning Manners and Tummy Time with Grandma

Conner and I had a busy day today. He was happy to see me and gave me his sweetest "Goodmorning, Grandma!" smile. He was happily playing in his little seat with his dangly toys when his tummy decided, "IT IS TIME!" I, being the experienced grandmother that I am, have the timing down! In less than two minutes, I had mixed up a bottle of formula, mixed it with some cereal and fruit and had spooned in the first bite. Conner tasted it with a grimace and let me know he preferred bananas to applesauce...oh, well! Then he did a growl/yell at me because I wasn't spooning fast enough for the Little Prince! I stopped spooning and made my "No-No!" face and said, "Say bite, please, Grandma!" Conner gave me his cutest cereal-all-over-the-face smile, and he had me! But neither did he growl at me anymore....of course I was scooping it in pretty quickly!

Then we did "tummy-time"! (which he hates!) When my kiddos were babies, it was okay to put them down on their tummies to sleep. Not so anymore--evidently all of the kids over say, 25 years old, should have not made it to two years old, because they slept on their tummies. As a result of the new sleeping rules, Conner loves his back and hates his tummy. I want him to learn to roll, and the doctor recommends tummy time. We should call it screaming on his tummy time....with Grandma turning him over and over like a little pancake, clapping her hands like a dummy, and saying with animation, "Yea! Conner!!!" Finally I gave up and took a folding clothes break, leaving him hollering on his tummy. Conner got quiet, so I peeked around the corner to see him on his BACK, playing with his feet contentedly!
Yea! Conner! SO like a Grandma, I wanted to SEE him do it, so I turned him back over! BIG MISTAKE! Tummy time was over--until tomorrow!

Sanity returned today....and I walked even though I'm having a lupus flare up.
Now I know why I was so tired yesterday. I'm going to bed early...

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