Saturday, March 08, 2008

Last Art Class....

We finished our final project in art class today, and I am happy to say our instructor decided to form an intermediate oil/acrylic painting class out of our class, because so many of us were interested in it. I am just not ready to paint nudes yet So, I'm going to intermediate oil painting class.
I came home right after class, and Don and I met at the library and then we walked two miles together after that. We were going to go to a movie, but when we came home to drop off his car, we noticed no one was home, and home was cozy, so we stayed home and watched Annie Hall. Neither of us had ever seen it, as unbelievable as that is! We laughed a LOT!

All in all, it's been a great day! I'm going to spend my break actually painting what I want to paint--probably our house! :)

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