Monday, March 24, 2008

Our old dog....and another flat tire!

Today Don took Charlie to be groomed and the two of us went to pick him up. He's getting really old. Most of the hair he has now is gray, but he still loves looking out the window. He climbs as high up as he can get and sticks his head way out the window. Now that the kids are moving out, getting married, etc., Charlie values all of the attention Don and I give him. He's always loved anyone who will pay attention to him....and we all love him. He's 13 years old, but he still acts like a puppy.

Don and I went to Bull Run Park and walked, and Don played Frisbee golf. I had ANOTHER flat tire yesterday on the way to church. Again, I didn't feel it. I thought the alignment was off on my car. That is the fourth flat I've had since summer. This time dry rot caused the flat, and my tires were supposed to be new--they have tread still. So Goodyear replaced it free of charge! I'm just thankful I wasn't out with Little Man when I had the flat. Don and I went to pick up Steve for church in Sterling yesterday, because the clutch is out on his car. I knew the car wasn't handling right, but I didn't know the tire was flat. Someone on the shuttle told me. So we rode home with Chris and Cam after church and then took Don's car back to change the tire.

Don didn't get to go to the graveside service for Bob Saturday, so I took him over to see the grave. I loved it that Bob chose to be buried in a plain casket with a cross on top. That says everything about what Bob valued in life, I think.


preacherman said...

Why so many flats?
Wow...That is a lot.
I pray that God's blessing continue to fall on you and your family.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
In Him,
Kinney Mabry
Preacherman! :-)

Jerri said...

Hey, Kinney,
Thank you for reading my blog and commenting. Really, I'm not sure why I have had so many flats! Evidently this time the tire was defective....they were all new! Twice I was out with my grandbaby and a friend when I had a flat, once my nephew and I had just returned from DC, and then Sunday I was with my husband and son. Hopefully, I won't have any more flats or other car problems for a while. Thank you for blessing my family--we always need that! I pray that God blesses you and yours as well! :) Jerri