Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Shoes and Grandma's hands

Today was an awesome day with Little Man. He was adorable, as usual. He was smiley and "talkative". His new words are, "BA BA BA BA BA BA" when he's playing "MA MA MA MA MA MA" when he's hungry, I think. And "NA NA NA NA NA NA"! Of course, I could choose to interpret the "NANA" as Grandma, loosely translated! :) Whatever he is saying, it is cute as anything and makes me want to "eat him up"! He likes to stand up (with my support) and so I sit in my rocking chair with him standing on my lap, singing "Wipe out" while Conner "Grandma surfs!" I rocked him and sang to him a long time this morning, and then I put him down in his crib/play pen with his toys while I made lunch. He was "BA_BA_BAing" and then I didn't hear him anymore, so I went to check on him and found him fast asleep! (Usually during the day he sleeps in my arms--my earlier report that he mostly sleeps with Chris and Cam was erroneous--he mostly naps with Cam during the day but sleeps entirely on his own in his own little crib at night.) I cleaned the entire second level while he slept and got two loads of laundry washed. He woke up and went back to his "BA BA BA"game, and didn't even cry! So I went to get him, change him and feed him. He was happy the whole day today....he's usually happy, but doesn't usually sleep on his own. I was proud of him.

Another funny thing he did was notice Granddad's really white, velcro, (nerdy) new Dr. Scholl's shoes--he knows they're nerdy. They are only for walking comfortably.
Conner was staring at Don's shoes, looked over at my shoes and then looked at his feet over and over again. He was figuring SOMETHING out! :) He also looked at my hands and then his hands over and over today. I imagine he was thinking "Old Hands!" "New Hands!" I remember my grandmother's hands. She worked hard in her garden and her house, and she had "no nonsense" nails and wrinkled hands. I think I have my grandmother's hands these days. I remember my "new" hands....just seems like yesterday (but it wasn't). I need to post pictures. Don says he has a book to show me how to download from our camera. I promise they are coming.

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