Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Momentary Loss of Sanity

I blew it tonight....I wasn't myself all day. I was worn out from the weekend, but I still got caught up with the laundry and cleaned two out of three levels of our townhouse. But just before I left the house to take Conner home, Don got mad at me because I didn't call him at work to give him an important phone message--he usually calls me a lot during the day, so I thought he would today as well. Conner was extra fussy, so I didn't notice he didn't call me until he walked through the door. Evidently he had been checking his cell phone all day to see if he had received any messages. And I didn't remember my son had paid me some money he owed me and argued the point with him for a bit, too, before remembering...and had to apologize. I don't mind apologizing to my son....but I've been trying to hold him accountable, so that was a bit sticky.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I had planned to walk, but it was too cold and windy. So I came home to warm up and go to water aerobics, but when I walked up the stairs--Don was teaching downstairs--there was the big Easter basket that was meant for all of my grown children and daughter in law, fiance and girlfriend . Of course, they didn't take to THEIR homes any little chocolate eggs--they left them for the boys who live here! Right! Anyway, I kind of went crazy for a few minutes! So I'm mad at myself now. If I stop now, I won't gain any weight back, so I'm announcing that I am stopping....NOW! I'm watching the Biggest Loser and then going to bed. Check in on me tomorrow!

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