Sunday, February 10, 2008

Poor Planning....and Thoughtlessness

I did some thoughtless eating today, and it set me up for too many calories. I ate half a bagel for breakfast, and although it was whole grain, it is too many carbs for my morning. Then I ate high fiber crackers at Bible Class when I gave snack to the kids--using up more calories. Then we went out for lunch, and my calories were okay....but a little on the high side for lunch. Then I kept eating here and there, and here I am. I have been cleaning all evening, and I am about to go downstairs and do some kind of exercise. I am tempted to just do it over tomorrow, but I don't want to do that, because that attitude is too easy to repeat. I also am going to do my Bible study along with my Lose It for Life book. That always inspires me.

I was kind of feeling bad about some of the talking I did about my "weight loss program" today at church. I spoke to a couple of friends who have weight concerns and told them what I was doing, without really listening to them and without saying how much God has been helping me. I was pretty thoughtless in my talking about it, too. (Thoughtlessness and not being careful to give God the credit for what He has been changing in my life also sets me up to mess up my own discipline.) It wasn't very loving of me to talk about myself when my sisters were going through their own struggles not only with weight but bigger issues. God is absolutely the only reason I have been able to stick to my program, and I need to acknowledge Him every time someone says a kind word to me. My Bible study with my kindergarteners this morning was from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount where He said, "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt has lost its saltiness what is it good for? It is only good to be thrown on the ground and trampled under foot.....You are the light of the world.....let your light so shine before men that they may see your good deeds and give glory to your Father in Heaven." I need to keep that verse before me. God is my Strength. Tomorrow will be a better day, as long as I give it to Him.

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