Saturday, February 09, 2008

A Nice Saturday....Again

Today was a fun day at art class, and I did a really interesting painting. I also spoke with an artist about using limited color palettes for quite some time. I went for a walk at Meadowlarke,which was fun. I did great with my eating, and went to a really bad movie with Don...I chose it....we had to walk out, because it was terribly violent. I thought it was a scarey murder mystery with Diane Lang, who I like, but it was sadistic and horrible (Untraceable), so we left and went to see The Eye, which was okay...still scarey but we could watch it. I am starting to think most movies aren't worth seeing. Maybe I'm getting old.
I also got my hair cut--Don likes it but thinks it's too short. I do too, but I still like it. The boys are away, so I'm outta here....going to spend time with hubby.

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