Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Giving Up.....whatever!

Believe it or not, after my last sign off last night, I was still hungry! I didn't eat any more, but it finally occurred to me that I wasn't hungry--I was REALLY thirsty! I drank some Crystal Light, and the "hunger" vanished. I think I was really dehydrated after that huge workout, and I didn't drink any water! I made sure I stayed hydrated today, and I had no problem staying under 1500 calories. That may be a consistent problem for me, because I make coffee and drink Diet Dr. Pepper pretty often. I've cut my Starbucks consumption down to just Saturday mornings at art class to save money, but I make coffee every morning. I drink that and a glass of skim milk, and then I'll drink water occasionally during the day. I'm probably thirsty most of the time, because I work out really hard almost every day. So I'm thinking that some of the time I think I'm hungry, I'm probably just thirsty, like the experts say. Why couldn't I have listened to them? Because I'm stubborn and I have to figure things out for myself!

How coincidental that I listened to Allistar Beg this morning when he was talking about submission, specifically women being submissive to their husbands. He said that the scripture that says women and men should be in submission to one another does not negate the necessity of women to be in submission to their husbands. When I was a young wife, I was really great at the submission thing. In fact, I went around telling my mother, my aunts, my grandmother and almost anyone else who didn't really want to listen to me about how important it is for women to be in submission to their husbands. Not only that, but I preached about admiring them, bragging on them and anticipating their every need. You'd better believe that when Don went forward one Sunday morning and was baptized, I was thinking that 1 Peter 3 worked REALLY well, because I hadn't nagged him even once about baptism, and he studied the Bible on his own and with a friend of ours and our minister! I never really lost my belief in the virtue of being submissive to my husband, and I think I'm still okay at it, but in so many ways I've gone back to my old stubborn ways! I say all of this because Don has been telling me for years that I need to stop drinking aspartame and phosphorous that is in cola drinks, because aspartame is bad for me and phosphorous impedes the absorption of calcium in the body and causes osteoporosis. Sodas also don't take care of the need for water. And they are expensive. So I am going to be submissive to my husband and stop asking him to buy me Diet Dr. Peppers on the way home from work. I won't say that I won't ever drink one ever again, but I'm going to drink water every day instead of diet drinks.

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