Sunday, February 03, 2008

I love Sundays!

Today was a really great day, especially at church! God allowed us to have three wonderful choices for elders, Rick Baither, Paul Wert, and Jeff Robertson. I don't know Jeff very well, but I've heard him speak before, and he was great. I think Paul and Rick are wonderful servants of God, and I'm so thankful they were chosen.

Don still isn't feeling well, so after we did a couple of things, we came home and he rested most of the afternoon and evening. We watched most of the Super Bowl, and we were excited about New York winning. The last quarter was pretty exciting. The 2nd and 3rd quarters, not so much.

I did some drawing and would like to paint some, but I'm going to bed. I'll hold off writing about my Bible studies until tomorrow. I'm not putting it off--I'm just tired again tonight.

Oh, our friend Bob was in church today. We didn't talk to him, since we have been sick, but it was great knowing he was there.

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