Monday, February 11, 2008

A new day.....

I had a better day with eating today, but I still need to get back on track with my focus. I didn't do my Bible study first thing this morning, but I'm going to do it before I go to bed tonight. I do much better if I work out in the morning and do my Bible study first thing. On Don's day off, I usually sleep in a little and don't get to my reg. routine until later in the day. I don't think that's a bad thing, but I really have to put a lot of effort into eating properly when I'm not in my regular routine.

Today we bought Don a suit for his interview this week with a company that has offered him a really good position. The job is in DC, but the pay is really good. Everything is going to have to really be good for Don to be willing to commute into DC. I personally hope that the other job goes through. Don really hates commuting, and since his retirement, he's only had to drive 15 minutes away. I'd rather he make less money and be happy with his schedule. Pray that the right thing happens.

Les, Don's older brother, let us know that his great grandson was taken to the hospital with 106 temp today. He is back home now. He has the flu. They put him on ice in the ER and got his temp back down. Les' son Leslie Jr. is going back to Iraq with his company heading up a project there. Pray for Leslie's safety and for Les' great grandson, Ethan.

I'm going downstairs to finish my workout and Bible study. Tomorrow I plan to start the day out with both of those things. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.

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