Monday, February 25, 2008

A Funday Monday with Hubby

Don and I had one of our best funday Mondays ever! Don needed to get his contacts from Walter Reed, and neither of us wanted to drive all of the way over there, so we decided to take the metro together. Don left me at Metro Center and got on the Red Line to go to Walter Reed, and I got off the Smithsonian stop to go to the National Gallery of Art. I went to the French exhibit and spent several hours there while I waited for Don to join me. I really had a wonderful time, talking to people whether they liked it or not. :) Art really fascinates me! I learn almost as much from looking at paintings as I do from my art class! I am so thankful God has given me this opportunity at this time in my life--Don has developed more of an interest in art, too, because I'm so interested in learning more about it. He lets me go on and on about it, and it was his idea to go to the National Gallery of Art today. That's what I love about Don--he's always involved in what I do or what the boys do! He thinks about ways he can help us. He's a great husband and a great father....just a great person in general.

After we met up and finished at the museum,we watched the ice skaters, and then we walked to Union Station and had dinner. Then we rode the Metro back to Vienna and came home. Both of us are really tired, but we had a really fun day--we laughed a lot, and talked a lot. We hope to do it again soon. I only saw about a tenth of the museum.

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