Friday, February 08, 2008

.....of rejoicing it will beee!

WHAT A DAY.... Every time I say, "What a DAY!" Don always follows it with, "of rejoicing it will be!" I did have one of those days, though! First off, my sons were off from work getting ready for their annual Polar Bear Camping trip. For some reason it is a manly thing they do every winter....proving to themselves that they can sleep in sleeping bags and a tent in the middle of winter. Don't ask me why, they say I wouldn't's a guy thing. All I can say is it will be a LONG time before Cameron and I allow Little Man to join the Big Men for this ritual! :) But ummmmm...driving around with Grandma can be just as risky, it turns out..... Mary Jane McGiboney and I were doing a meal thing today for the Roths, and we were driving down a fairly smooth looking road, when I said, "Boy, this road must have a rough you hear that?" Mary Jane said she was thinking the same thing!
I said, "It can't be a flat tire, because the car is running so smoothly. I would know if I had a flat tire." Mary Jane said that maybe I should pull over and check. So I saw what looked like a gas station and pulled over. It was flatter than any pancake I've ever seen. The nicest men in what turned out to be a truck station, changed my tire for me. I had a huge stroller, several empty glass dishes and other misc. unnecessary things in the back of my car BUT NO JACK! AND NO TIRE IRON! Oh, yeah, did I mention that the last time I had a flat, Nathan rescued me and changed my tire....I guess my jack is now in his car! Anyway, the men had a big jack, and they graciously changed my tire, exclaiming a LOT over how cute Conner is! (My baby
babe magnet, uh, not that these guys were "babes"....but they WERE nice. One of them has a granddaughter Conner's age. We compared notes. The other one lives in Chris and Cameron's neighborhood. My mom told me I shouldn't talk to people....I hope she's wrong.) Anyway, we were back on the road in no time. (The funny thing is that, a long time ago, our friends, Bob and Tresa Roth, rescued me and a car full of kids coming back from Camp WAMAVA when I had a flat tire. They must think we get tires from the junk yard!) I forgot to mention to Mary Jane that after we dropped the food off, we still had to drop off Conner with Cameron. I also forgot that since Chris is on the Polar Bear trip, we would be dropping Little Man off later than usual. Mary Jane won't want to make an adventurous trip with me again! We actually had a lot of fun, and Conner was an angel. Keep praying for Bob, Tresa and the children. They are an amazing and wonderful family.

Also pray for my neighbor, Serge. He has some serious health issues, and today he was taken by ambulance to the hospital. I don't have any other details, but I'll let you know. He is elderly with a drinking problem...and his daughter and her husband have moved in with him.

Don and I are praying about this coming week. He has several opportunities that have come up, one of them really good--for jobs. This week is the week we will have a good idea which job he will have. Pray that God allows us to know the best choice we can make. We have been praying, and it seems like a lot of doors are opening for both of us.

I actually did well with my eating today. The 144 extra calories came from me probably overestimating my sampling what I was cooking today. I am counting every bite I take, because I really want to meet my Feb. goal.

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