Monday, June 02, 2008

Today I was supposed to spend the day with my friend, Jennie, but she got sick so we couldn't get together, so I spent the day doing whatever I wanted since I didn't have Conner. I have a whole lot of baby plants that I need to put out in my backyard, that I grew from seed, but I didn't do that. I did some writing and I did some reading, and I watched inspiring weight loss stories on Oprah, I rested and then I walked 5 miles again....19 minute miles. Now I'm recovering and I'm going to do some serious stretching, because my joints are really hurting.

Tomorrow I have Little Man again, and Jennie is coming over in the evening. We are going to try out Cub Run pool, and I'm going to show Jennie some water aerobics moves. Don has to be at work at 6, so he's going to bed now. I guess it's bedtime!
(I guess I'll be walking early tomorrow!) "_

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