Monday, June 23, 2008

Mixed Emotions--and metaphors

Sunday was a day to remember. First, during worship, the church said "Goodbye" to Grace and Roland Sundling, two of our favorite people, and good friends to Don and me. They are the last of our small group to pull up stakes and leave. Don and I are going to miss them, as I'm sure a lot of people will.

My neighbor Lisa invited me to a Ladies' Night Out last night, and I actually went and had a great time. I got to drive Lisa's mom there and lead a discussion group, and I felt very welcomed by all of the women. It was a lot of fun, too. They seem like a cohesive group, and they didn't question me leading a discussion group, even though I don't go to church with them.

I don't feel very good about Roland and Grace moving. I'm happy for them but bummed for us. So many really good people have moved on from here, which was the also the sad thing about raising my kids on a military base....their friends and ours were always moving away. My Bible study has been from the scriptures from the Purpose Driven Life...and I am doing the 40 days study. I have a reputation among my family members of wanting to move to every vacation spot we visit. I have started to understand why....this world is not my home. There is always going to be somewhere better than where we are living , because we have Heaven built in to our souls. I'm saying that for me, not Roland and Grace. They have pretty good reasons for moving.
I don't. My kids are here, we have a church family is here, my best friend lives next door, and my baby grandson comes to my house most days. Life is good. Still, this world is not my home.

I'm going to Camp WAMAVA on Saturday, and I'm finally looking forward to it now that I planned my lesson. I love teaching. That's built into my soul, too, so it must be one of my gifts. I never went to any camp as a kid, so camp is fun for me, too. I'll probably be going there until they have to haul me up and down the hills...which almost happened a few years ago. I always come back renewed. I haven't volunteered yet for anything during VBS, but I think I'm doing the nursery.
At least that's where my mind is headed right now.

At the moment I am going to a gallery opening for my art instructor. Don was going with me and sacrifice sleep--and probably drag me away kicking and screaming at 8, so I got the bright idea of asking my neighbor Lisa to go and celebrate her birthday, which was overlooked, because her mom was in town. Don bowed out more than gracefully, and I think I heard him muttering something about a nap, fast food and Frisbee golf. Lisa took me up on it enthusiastically, so we're going to have fun. I'm taking her out for supper afterwards. The next two weeks both of us are busy with Camp and her visit to her moms', so it's good we can kill two birds with one stone. (We seriously need to get some more relevant metaphors....we can say something like.....oh, I'll think about it at camp. Lots of time out there to think...and pray. I love it.)

1 comment:

jaime s said...

Sorry to hear the Sundlings are moving. They blessed FXCC so richly while they were there!

So proud of you for sticking with your goals. I've said it before, but love to are so inspiring!