Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Purpose

God planned for me before I was ever conceived! That realization blows my mind!ICorinthians 2:7 says, "We speak of God's wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began." Psalm 139 says, "All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before even one of them came to be." God knew that I would be where I am now, before I was ever born. Why do I ever fear? And why don't I ask Him before I act more often? It is easy to fall into the pattern of the world, and look inside ourselves for all of the answers. But God has always had a plan for our lives, based on His wisdom--a plan that will not only bring Him glory, but His plan brings us glory. We all run after things that won't last longer than the momentary desire for them, when real value is found in living a life, based on God's true wisdom. He knows what it takes for us to live abundant lives, and Jesus Himself said He came so that we might have life and have it abundantly. Abundant life is built into our hearts as something we all strive to have. But the only provider of the abundant life is Christ Himself.

I have decided to do the 40 days of the Purpose Driven Life, because I am changing gears in my life, and I want to make some life decisions. Seeking God's will for the rest of my life is my first step. Don and I were going to do it together a few years ago, but we didn't get past day 1 because we tried to do it at bedtime--that never works for us. For some reason we can read seperate books at bedtime, but getting together on one book doesn't work for us. Anyway, I started my 40 days today. I will share with you a little from each day.

Today I came away thinking about the family God placed me into when he knit me together in my mother's womb. What does He plan to do with the strengths and weaknesses that are part of my heritage from my family? What has he already done?
I don't question my heritage anymore. I am grateful my mother gave me an inate appreciation for art and music. I'm glad they taught me to laugh at myself. I appreciate my father teaching me about honesty and hard work. I'm glad he gave me a love and loyalty to my country and an appreciation for my right to vote. I love to sing in the car and used to do it with my dad when I was a girl. I did it with my boys and now I do it with my grandson. He's already singing with me and he's only 9 months old. Will he sing like that with his grandson? The older I get the more important my roots are to me. And, instead of wishing for more, I am so thankful for what I had and still have. I am a blessed woman!

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