Thursday, June 19, 2008

Catching up

I'm still keeping track of calories and exercise...just having a hard time posting now that Don's schedule has changed. I may have to post in the mornings instead of at night. Let's see...since last Tues. this is how I did:Tue 1248 cal 2 hours gardening Wed 1629 cal-5 and a half hours gardening Today 1994 calories no exercise ordinary housework. (I was tired today after all of that work I did the past two days. I burned more calories than I ate just gardening yesterday.)

I'm on day 5 of the Purpose Driven Life. I am writing down all of the scriptures, responding to them and reflecting on my life, and praying through all of the scriptures and insights. Several things I have realized: My feelings about myself and my relationships have improved so much since the last time I began this study!
I am much less of a people pleaser than I used to be. And God really does get us through everything that would have stopped us dead in our tracks if we didn't have Him! Also,Don and I really have everything we could possibly want here in our homey little townhouse with each other-- and our boys living near us. God knew what I would need to find joy in this life and seek Him, too. He has loved me and planned for me since before I was conceived, and I am grateful for my life past, present and eternal future!

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