Sunday, July 27, 2008

If it walks like a duck....

This morning I got up at 6, since it's the Lord's day, and went out to walk my four miles. I saw 2 bunnies, several doves, some robins a number of sparrows, two squirrels and two fat white ducks. The ducks were the same ones who started following me in V formation one day when Don and I walked by. I guess I must not be waddling as much as I was right after my knee replacement...and I must smell better (that day I had sat on under a tree that had been mulched and fertilized), because they paid no attention to me! I also met a lot of happy moring people who jogged by me or met me walking. One man walked by me with an attitude, so I said, "Good morning!" to the same time he said, "Good morning!" So he must not have heard me, because he said again loudly, "GOOD MORNING!" I said, "GOOD MORNING!" back. Boy! Anyway, I did the four miles and have eaten 230 calories so far...I'll be back later.

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