Friday, July 11, 2008

10 months of JOY--Thank You, God, for Conner!

Whatcha doin' Uncle Steve?

What's up, Uncle Don?

Smile, Grandad!

I love my Grandad!

I love my Ernie, too!

Where is Uncle Nathan, Grandma?
Today our precious Little Man Conner is 10 months old--well, technically it was yesterday, but I'm STILL up! He is a little sweetheart with A MIND OF HIS OWN! Today he took the spoon from me as I was feeding him breakfast. I let him feed himself that bite, but I wouldn't relinquish the bowl. Conner hollered at me for a minute until he realized I wasn't impressed, and then he smiled at me with his little baby cereal face. I took off his shirt, reloaded his spoon and let him feed himself another bite....when I took back the spoon to load it again....he hollered at me...Grandma was STILL unimpressed....we played that game until he was done with breakfast. Another cute thing he did. Cameron was waving bye bye and saying, "I love you!!!" to Little Man, and I was waving and saying, "Bye!Bye! Mommy!" Then Conner looked at his hand and waved bye bye to himself....with a really intent look on his face! Baby Genius, our Little Man! Happy Birthday to everyone's special boy!


jaime s said...

What a doll!! He definitely takes after his daddy/granddad!

Eli fights me for the spoon too. I started using two spoons. One for Eli to hold while he eats and one for me to feed him. I let him practice with a bite or two but somehow just holding the spoon keeps him from shrieking at me!

I can tell you are such an amazing Grandma. What a blessing for Conner and his parents!!

Jerri said...

Thank you, Jaime! He IS such a sweetheart, but I am definitely biased! That's a great idea about the two spoons--I will start giving him his own spoon today!
I appreciate you telling me I'm a good Grandma, because I think you are a wonderful Mommy! It's so obvious to me how much you enjoy being with Faith and Eli and how hard you are working to let them know how important they are to you and Murray. The best thing you and Murray are doing for them is giving them parents who love God and love each other! That's why they are so happy! :)