Friday, October 10, 2008

Birthday, Cold Stone and Flying Cell Phone!

Tonight we celebrated Chris' 32nd birthday! You know you're getting old when your kids start getting old! :) Sorry, Chris, just couldn't resist! Seriously Chris is getting up there! We were 35 when we moved to Fairfax county from DC, and that seems like yesterday! Don and I took Chris, Cam and Conner to PeiWei for dinner and then to Cold Stone for ice cream. I got to see Chris and Cam in action with Little Man--in public. They were great! Conner seemed to know what to expect from them, and they worked as a team. Don and I were quite proud. I'm always proud to watch my son with his son! He loves Conner so much, and Conner loves him back. Same with Cameron! Conner expects love wherever he goes, and that is because he receives love from everyone around him. Pei Wei was good, but I didn't like what I ordered. I ordered a Thai dish with coconut and chicken. It was kind of slimy, spicy with a weird taste that I can only compare to some kind of charcoal lighter. Chris agreed with me. But everything else was good. I had never been to Cold Stone except to buy an ice cream cake one time. The ice cream was good, but I didn't know how to order. I ordered black cherry and French vanilla ice cream and then sat down to watch Conner. Don asked if I wanted it "mixed", and I said, "No." The next thing I know, Don is semi-shouting over to me, "Are you sure, because it's going to be HUGE!"
Did I mention that I dislike eating ice cream in public places, because I shouldn't be eating ice cream at all??? I muttered, "Fine, just have them mix it and put it in a cup." Don came over and said, "I told them to put it in a cup, and they put it in this big cup! So, I kind of huddled next to Conner, holding a BIG cup and feeling like a pig! Of course I fed Conner some, and I only ate off the top...who eats dessert anyway after eating dinner at a Thai place? Don didn't mean to be LOUD about ice cream in PUBLIC...and using the word "HUGE" about my portion....we just never have ordered ice cream at Cold Stone before....and probably won't until I am 50 lbs. smaller.
On the way to meet Chris and Cam, my cell kept ringing. We couldn't find it! I always carry it next to me when I am driving, and I was driving. I assumed it was in my purse, but it was ringing near me...not on the floor where my purse was. We were in stopped traffic, so Don took off his seat belt and was crawling around trying to find my phone. He kept calling it, and it kept ringing muffled near me. I made sure I wasn't sitting on it, and then we decided it was under my seat. It rang again as the traffic finally sped up. Then we heard it! A couple of clunks across the roof of my car and a crack on the pavement behind my car! Don called my phone ring! My phone was lost from the top of the car! I was really sad, because I love my phone. Don reminded me we have insurance, and I cheered up a little, but I knew I would lose numbers I probably couldn't get back. Then, after we got home, I remembered all of the adorable pictures of Conner since birth...all on my phone. I have to go back and try to find my SIM card. I'm going to do that tomorrow morning before art class.

Next time--wedding pictures!

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