Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tomorrow night Don and I have GREAT tickets to see Michael W Smith and Stephen Curtis Chapman. Then we are planning to spend the night at a hotel in Rockville.
I'm excited. This will be the fourth time we've seen Michael W, but the second time we've seen Stephen Curtis! We are kind of celebrating my birthday early. Next week I am going to a Ladies Retreat with New Life Christian church. I'm going straight to my art class both Sat. after we spend the night in a hotel and I'm leaving early from the retreat for my art class. (I have my priorities right, right?)
Roan Rickards comments had me in tears Sunday morning. He talked about the Marines, their willingness to die for one another and their respect for their fellow Marines...both dead and alive. My dad was a Marine. I knew what he was talking about. I miss my dad more this year than I have in the past two. There are a lot of things I would like to ask him. I think I've been dealing with so much change--good and not so good--since he died. Now, I'm sad. That's so weird. I'm getting close to the age he was when he had his first major stroke. I'm going to be 54 next Tuesday. He was 62 when he first had a stroke. It's hard to imagine being handicapped so young. Happy Halloween out there. I'm putting a bowl of candy on the front porch next to our jack o lantern with a sign that says, "Please take one." Don laughs at that idea. Hey, I have faith in our youth! :)

1 comment:

jaime s said...

Catching up on your blog. Hope you and Don enjoy your concert and night away! What a treat!

I hate abortion too. My mom told me awhile ago that she had a great idea for a comercial. It was, God saying, "You all keep asking me to help you find a cure for cancer, aids and other terminal illnesses. I have created babies who will discover these cures but you keep aborting them".

Visit my friend, Sara's blog (she's a nurse practioner) and scroll down to her post about the proposed health plans (by Obama and McCain). It was VERY insighful...and written more from a person in the medical field not a person in love with one candiate over the other. The blog is

Enjoy your trip!