Friday, September 21, 2007

We are Thankful!

well, we have so much to be thankful for in our family! Our precious little guy was born on September 11th! Now that day holds a welcomed new significance for us. Conner Steven Harrington was born three weeks early, but he weighed 7lbs. 6oz. and measured 20 inches long! His lungs were not completely ready for the outside world, so he was in the NICU for 4 days to make sure he was okay. But he was completely fine and went home on Saturday, Sept. 15th. Cameron came through the surgery very well and is recovering nicely at home. Her mom, Jennie, and I have been taking turns taking care of Conner every other day so that she can rest, since Chris went back to work on Tuesday. Cam and I took Conner to the pediatrician on Tuesday, and he is doing great! And I could tell yesterday that he has already grown. I can't tell you how much joy it is to have a grandchild! He is so sweet, and we are all very thankful for him. Hopefully I can download some pictures....I tried the other night, but I got tired before I could make it happen! Thanks for your prayers......God heard them and graciously answered them.

He's been answering prayers on behalf of our friend, Bennett Speck as well. His lungs have continued to improve and the doctors are talking about taking him off of the ventillator. First he has to have all kinds of tests, and his lungs need to dry up. Keep praying for him, and visit his website at

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