Monday, September 24, 2007


Today was a non Conner day, so I had time to myself. Don went to the doctor by himself, because he is starting to feel better. I didn't do anything but straighten up the kitchen, wash a few loads of laundry and cook dinner. Well, I read a chapter in Romans and read some of a novel that I actually started and didn't put back on the shelf. It was one of those nice days where I kind of regrouped. The past year has been full of all kinds of amazing things.....some good, some heart-breaking. I have seen God working in all of them.

It is coming up on October 6th, the one year anniversary of my Dad's death. I am thinking about him a lot more lately. I wonder if he would be proud of the decisions I am making. I wonder what he would think of his great grandson, who looks so much like Christopher did as an infant. I'm wishing my Dad and I had connected on a deeper level, and I am thankful for the connection we did have. Life is full of imperfect moments that add up to imperfect lives, which God makes right. I am thankful for that.

I think I am going to Ladies' class tomorrow. I need a lot of focus right now, and I need some sisters to connect with--not to mention Beth Moore's ability to get us focused. These are the September goals I have:

1. to get deeper into God's word, beginning with this Beth Moore study
2. to meet my weight loss issues head on from many different angles, daily walking, water aerobics several times a week, the Lose it for Life study, prayer and accountability either through Weight Watchers or a group in our home.

3. to get what I want done in the house before I start watching Conner full time so that nothing suffers, including my sleep/exercise/relationship with God/time with Don/clean house

See I need clarity here too....not that anyone actually reads my blog regularly, but if anyone is reading and has any suggestions.....

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