Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another Day with Conner

Cameron and I took Little Man out about town today. We picked up a perscription for Cam, took Conner by the church to show him off, and then went to Target. While we waited for her perscriptions to be filled, we had coffee together at Starbucks. I wanted to pick up some cleaning products, too. There is a new line of cleaning products that are environmentally friendly and not harmful to pets or children. I wanted Chris to try them, because Don and I were there Sunday for his housecleaning. The chlorine gasses were a little strong, so I decided to share my new cleaning system with him. He's going to crunch the numbers to see if they are cost effective and get back with me. But I gave him a couple of complementary bottles. They are called "Method", and I first tried them at Camp WAMAVA and loved them.

Conner was content most of the day. He is taking more than three oz. of formula at a time now. I think the day is coming when he will sleep for several hours. He's so sweet--I gave him his bath again today, and, now that his cord has fallen off and he has a regular belly button now, he can take his bath down in the water. He loves it! I really hadn't forgotten how much fun it is to bathe a little baby, but it's nice to experience it firsthand again.

After I got the groceries home today, I went to water aerobics, and I was WORN OUT at the end. I almost couldn't eat dinner--I said almost. I still haven't dragged myself up to bed yet. Don is feeling better but he was so tired he went to bed while I was in water aerobics, as soon as he ate his dinner. He was supposed to watch Dancing with the Stars with me. I watched it alone and put together a photo album of Conner for Don to take to work with him. If I can figure out how to post the pictures of Don and Conner I will. They are so cute together. I took some of Cam and Conner today....usually she's asleep when I'm taking pictures. They are cute together too.

Pray for baby Bennett. The doctors plan to take out his respirator tube tomorrow and put him on the CPap. My dad was on that. It is annoying, but he probably won't have to be on it very long. Keep praying for that sweet family. I hope they get to hear Bennett cry tomorrow. It is a precious sound and more precious to Bennett's family.

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