Monday, July 02, 2007

We're Back!

Well, we're back from vacation, and it's true--I really do need a vacation from my vacation! But we have no time for vacationing from vacation. I should, at this very moment, be scrambling around the house like a madwoman getting things ready for my brother-in-law's visit, which begins tomorrow. I have actually scrambled quite a bit today--unpacking, checking email, writing a grocery list.

Vacation was lots of fun, and we had beautiful weather at the beach. My daughter in law, Cameron and I did a lot of cooking--and "baby talking", son Chris grilled a lot for us, and we did a lot of playing at the beach. I actually played in the deep waves for the first time in many that my knees are better. We ate out one night at Crabby Mikes Seafood buffet on Friday. That was a nice end to our week. For some reason I lost four lbs. and really rested up! Can't ask for more than that on vacation!

We were sad to see that Jaime and Murray Sanderson had already moved on to Indianapolis while we were gone! We will miss them! We had a fun picnic at church yesterday, and the beautiful weather must have followed us from the beach. After church Don and I went to get Charlie from the borders--he seemed to love it there and was strangely calm all of the way home. Maybe he thought we sent him away for "bad behavior". We stopped at Cox's Farm and bought some plants for the yard and some fruit on the way home, and he walked calmly along on his leash! Usually he acts like he's taking ME for a walk! Maybe the Dog Whisperer visits Club Pet! After I worked outside all day and Don got a long nap and played Frisbee golf, he and I went to see Evan Almighty! It was very funny and actually pretty good!

Well, I'd better get back to scrambling--hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather here in VA. Jerri

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