Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Almost a New Year.....time to reflect on 2008

Dear Friends,
I have decided to take myself more seriously. Those of you who know me well may be collectively groaning and reaching for your "mice" to click off of this blog. Be patient, my friends, I don't mean that I am going to try to find my navel and contemplate it....the world has had quite enough of that kind of introspection from me. However, it is time for me to take myself seriously as a writer, and it is time for me to pay better attention to my health. I am not going to use my blog to hold myself accountable this year, though. Today I evaluated what I actually accomplished in 2008. I lost 32 lbs. and gained back 15....not much of an accomplishment, but something. The only time in my life I have lost weight in a healthy way was when I was on Weight Watchers. So, today I signed up for the monthly plan at Weight Watchers. I absolutely will not waste money by skipping meetings I've already paid for, and the fees will come out of my bank account monthly, so I have to make an effort to stop the payments. My pride will not let me step on the scales week after week with no weight loss, so I think I've made the right decision. My conscience was bothering me all last year when I thought of shelling out money to help me lose weight....as in, I have to pay someone to help me not eat too much food, when three fourths of the world is starving to death??? But how am I going to be of any use to the rest of the world if I am dead from diabetes?
I do not want to go the surgical path....I would rather eat less than be forced to eat less by going through the trauma of abdominal surgery. I will let you know how I'm doing--Jaime, especially. Pray for me. It is my hardest personal challenge.
The other health issue is my right knee. It has not bounced back after the knee replacement, like my left one did. I am rebeginning my own personal physical therapy, and if I don't see an improvement in the bend, I am going to go back to the surgeon and allow him to force the bend in my knee, which he said could break bones. I was released by physical therapy before we could get a complete bend in it, because I have huge scar tissue in there. I don't want any more surgery, and I sure don't want a broken bone, but I can't exercise properly with so little bend. Don and I walked all over downtown yesterday, but I had to stop every half hour and try to stretch out my leg. Today it was much better.
Now, as for my writing. My new writer friend, John Shore, who I met on Facebook, told me that I need to focus either on the writing or on the painting but not on both if I want to be successful at either. Resistant as I am to that idea, I know he is right. Since writing is where God has gifted me most, I am going to focus on that, without giving up my painting completely. I really want to publish the work I have already done as well as finish some work I have begun. I will illustrate the children's books I have finished, but the ones I have yet to finish sketching out, I will submit without illustrations. I am also going to publish some of my own writing on my blog, for comment or just to do something positive with it. Feel free to comment, criticize or share with others. I am not sure how many people read my blog, but several people have been commenting to me personally. That's encouraging. Finally, if you are my friends, you know that my desire is to please God with my life and all of my efforts. I know being responsible with my health and body is God's plan for me. I know He would like me to use my gifts to serve Him, as well. Please pray for me about both of these areas of discipline in my life. Happy New Year....I will be posting some specific goals on Jan. 1st...corny I know, but I need icons.

1 comment:

jaime s said...

How inspiring, Jerri! I think (corny as it may be to some) writing down your goals, resolutions, plans, accomplishments, etc. is very important. I began working out consistently on Dec. 1st (I needed a month to warm-up to the New year's resolution). I come home after each workout and write down what I did and the number of minutes (i.e. treadclimber 40 min.) on my calendar. It helps me to see it fill up and motivates me b/c I want it to be more full than empty!

I am starting a "fun" biggest loser challenge that I will be posting about later today on my blog. Hope you can join in mostly for fun but especially for motivation!

Looking forward to reading your specific goals tomorrow!