Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Resolution--Serious Inquiries Only

Contrary to what I heard in the sermon yesterday at our church, by our minister, Bruce, who preaches to my heart pretty consistently, and with whom I pretty consistently agree, I am going 2008 expecting some new and exciting things. (Bruce said that he thinks most of us don't make New Year's resolutions anymore, because we pretty much think that the coming year will be just like the last or a little bit worse....) I never think that. I always expect better. I always make New Years resolutions. Every year. For most of my 53 years. And I am still spite of the fact that, as far back as I can remember, not being fat anymore has been in the top 2 of my New Years' resolutions. However, I do not think that says anything about the power of God in my life. It might say something about the power of my resolve and the pride of my spirit.....I think it has a lot to do with my scattered focus and lack of attention (selective discipline)....rationalization, denial...sin. I'm not saying that being fat is a sin. But for me, refusing to give my diet and exercise daily attention is a sin. Because I know I am hurting myself. Happy New Year. This sounds hopeful, doesn't it? Throw the confetti and blow the horns! Honestly, I am a little tired of horn blowing and confetti throwing. But I am hopeful. Because I know in Whom my hope lies. But I can hope in Him until the cows come home....even here in No. VA where, hopefully the cows never really do come home....and come the year 2525, (if Jerri is still alive, which she won't be) I'd still be writing "Lose 100 lbs" on my New Years' Resolution list, unless I give over my sin to Him. So, I'm putting this out there....all two of you who read my, I know there are more...I'm just kidding. Christians and non-Christians alike....I am committing myself to this one goal this year. And I am committing myself in the Presence of Jesus Christ, by whose strength I have been promised I can do all things. (Philippians 4:13) I am going to lose the bulk of the weight I have to lose....consistently every day for the year 2008. I am going to eat 1500 calories a day--every day--in 2008. I am going to do one hour of exercise every day--unless I am sick in bed, which doesn't happen often. I am going to report on my blog every day in 2008. The committment I am making is to God, the power I am going to rely on is the Holy Spirit within me, and the testimony I am going to make is to the power of Jesus Christ in my life. My friends and family who are unbelievers, watch what the power of my Savior who wants to be yours can do! It is absolutely not about me! I cannot do this on my own--even if others can. I cannot. I have proven that fact for 53 years. If I break my promise, call me on it. My Christian friends, remind me not to use the name of Christ in vain. My desire is to proclaim Him....and to allow Him to transform me in a way that I have not been able to transform myself. I am hopeful. Pray for my deliverance from this burden that I have been carrying for far too long. I appreciate your prayers and the accountability. Happy New Year!

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