Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Expanding Family

We are all getting excited about Don and Elise's upcoming wedding on Sept. 27th. Elise graduated from George Mason University last week. I thought this was a beautiful picture of her. I'm excited about having another smart woman in our family! (No, I'm not the other smart woman--daughter in law, Cameron, got her Masters' degree in August)

Cameron took this picture of Little Man and gave it to me. I interpret his expression as "That's amazing!" He will be 9 months old on June 11th. Grandma and Conner have had 9 months of joyful days together! I'm really enjoying having him for my grandson. He thinks everything I do is funny! Who wouldn't love that? :)


erinlo said...

Jerri- I love reading your blog and catching up with you and your family. I love the pride you show in your family and how you talk about them with such joy! What a great example you are to me- thank you! (BTW- I think that grandbaby is the cutest I've ever seen! How do you even get enough of him?!?!?)

I'll be praying about your diet- I am right there with you. I want to do it for my health, not necessarily my weight, but, man, it is tough!!! I hate it. Willpower, willpower- where art thou?!?!?

Love you, woman. I miss you- especially after reading your blog today. -Erin L.

Jerri said...

I love you and miss you, too! And I'm so happy to see you loving your job as a Mommy to your three little ones. They are beautiful and obviously so much themselves!
The diet thing has been hard lately. I've been praying, starting, messing up, praying, starting, messing up....but today I stayed within my calorie range, so I am thankful.
Hang in there in your new must be challenging and an adventure! You are the true adventure woman, and Jeff is lucky to have're lucky to have each other!