Saturday, February 02, 2008

I love Saturdays!

I'm still a little under the weather; although, I did make it to art class today. Don is sicker than I am, and both of us are going to bed early, so I'm cutting this short.

I just want to share some progress with you. I was hungry, sick and tired when I finished art class, but I didn't feel strong enough to trust myself with eating lunch right then, and I needed to go to the commissary, so I headed on over to Bolling AFB. It was such a beautiful day that I decided to walk before I got groceries, and walked along the water front and back for 3.5 hour worth of walking. There was a bigger crowd than I have ever seen at the commissary apart from the holidays, so the line was down two different isles to the back of the store when I finished shopping. I have to drive right past Burger King, and did I mention I was hungry BEFORE I went to the commissary? I could have gone over there and bought a hamburger, but I knew that wouldn't have been the best thing I could eat, so I dug around in the grocery bags, got a banana and a diet coke and waited until I got home to eat anything else. Then, Don suggested we go out for dinner, but I knew I was too hungry and tired, and Don was too sick and tired, so I made dinner and we both liked it a lot more. I know that God has been helping me, because last night, I had a very stressful but important conversation with an extended family member who is difficult for me to confront about anything. It wasn't fun, but I came home and enjoyed my evening with Don, excerised and did NOT eat over it. In fact, yesterday my calories were great. Today I followed up on that conversation, just calling to make sure the person was okay, and she had thought about what I said and we had a much better conversation. I decided not to avoid talking to her even though she was mad at me, and it worked out much better. I think God was leading me to do that, because whenever I prayed I thought of her today. Usually that means I need to resolve something. I didn't change what I had to say last night, but I was able to express my love and concern for the person, and I think she needed that. In the past, I would have avoided talking to her for a few days and talked about the situation with Don and my friends etc. But I decided to pray about it, and to do what I thought God wanted me to do about it. Anyway, the anxiety about the situation vanished, and I didn't end up stress eating or avoiding exercise. I consider that a victory.

And another thing happened today: I had a really good conversation with a man from Brazil who makes jewelry at one of the galleries at the Torpedo Factory. We shared our faith with each other, and it was such a great exchange. He shared with me about his perception of Jesus and salvation and the value of life here on earth. We both talked about how the world and all of its beauty and riches, etc. is really just a facade, and our real life will begin in Heaven. This was a man who has a whole gallery full of beautiful jewelry he made himself. His mom had a stroke a couple of years ago and is waiting to die, because her husband is gone and she is disabled. She lives in South America, and he doesn't get to see her often. I shared with him about my father dying and how I think of him in Heaven, a whole person now...and how I don't get to see my mom much since she lives in Oklahoma.
We talked about how swiftly our lives had passed by, and how life here on earth is just a moment....anyway, it was such a great conversation, and I felt my faith was strengthened as I believe was his. It seems like God sends someone my way every week who is willing to talk about Him! Then, I visited another gallery and was talking to an artist about how much I loved one of her paintings, and I told her I was taking classes there, and she offered me a LOT of really good painting boards, heavy canvas sized paper, and a metal frame. She said another artist, a friend of hers, had died and would be thrilled to see her materials go to another artist just getting started. She told me that since I was there, I could have the materials....she said she didn't have room for them! She was also very encouraging about my art....and her artwork was wonderful. She told me she supports herself with her artwork. I'm not surprised--I love her style.

I feel blessed to be able to care for Conner during the week and spend Saturdays working on my artwork and learning so much. In some ways, I wish I would have majored in art rather than music and English, but maybe back then I wouldn't have been ready to express myself in that way. I also think that the artwork is helping me through the loss of my father, because I feel a connection with him when I paint. He was a good artist, and he always wanted me to be. I'm finding out that it is something that fills a void in my life--I think it's something I'm meant to learn.

Tomorrow, on Sunday, I am going to share some of my Bible study notes on my blog. It does me good to share what I am learning. If my blog gets too long, just scroll through. If it helps anyone else, that would be good! Happy Sunday tomorrow!

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